While the exact charge you are facing may not appear on KBW Criminal Law’s website, the firm’s founding attorney, Kevin, has undoubtedly handled a case like yours before. As the lead attorney for nearly 1,000 cases as a prosecutor, Kevin has the experience and legal acumen to tackle any type of charge. Kevin has successfully handled all of the following types of cases:
Armed Robbery | Arson | Breaking and Entering |
Carjacking | Child Pornography | Criminal Sexual Conduct |
Embezzlement | Ethnic Intimidation | Failure to Stop After a Car Accident |
False Pretenses | False Report of a Felony | Home Invasion |
Homicide | Identity Theft | Indecent Exposure |
Larceny | Receiving and Concealing Stolen Property | Retail Fraud |
Safe Breaking | Stolen Financial Transaction Device (credit card) | Unarmed Robbery |
Uttering and Publishing (check forgery) | Use of the Internet to Commit a Crime | And many more |
No matter what type of case you or your loved one is facing, KBW Criminal Law is here to help. Call as soon as you can to get a strong lawyer on your side fighting for your rights.