Federal charges are handled in the major leagues. Like all charges, federal charges begin with a police agency investigating alleged criminal activity. While local authorities like state police may assist in collecting evidence for federal cases, most of the police work for federal cases is handled by federal agencies, like the FBI. Unlike with local police forces which may put 21-year-old officers straight out of the police academy on the street, FBI agents are highly trained and have years of experience. This means that they often know the law better than local officers and know exactly what evidence they need to collect for charges to stick.
Once the FBI has collected all of the necessary evidence, they turn the case over to federal prosecutors, called Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAs). These AUSAs work for the U.S. Department of Justice. They are frequently hired into the government from top law schools or excelled as local prosecutors in offices around the country. This means that AUSAs are usually smart, capable, and experienced in ways that are less common in local courts.
The AUSAs bring the case before a federal judge. Federal judges are appointed personally by the President of the United States for their strong educational backgrounds and legal understanding. Federal judges have strict rules that lawyers must follow to practice before them that can be very different than the rules in local courts. The expectations on a lawyer practicing in federal court are much higher than in many local courts.
Federal agencies and courts mostly focus on more severe and higher profile crimes than local police agencies. Federal agencies are also likely to handle crimes that allegedly take place across two or more state borders. Cases that are more severe and involve multiple states can be highly technical and involve many moving parts. They can require a greater level of legal expertise and attention to detail by a defense lawyer than a local case.
Developed at one of the country’s best law schools, KBW Criminal Law’s founder, Kevin, has a knack for paying attention to seemingly insignificant details that change the trajectory of a case. While he was in law school, Kevin worked for a federal judge in the Eastern District of Michigan, giving him a behind-the-scenes understanding of how the federal-criminal process works. Once he became a lawyer, Kevin successfully handled hundreds of serious and complex cases. As a defense attorney, Kevin works closely with the some of the best federal criminal attorneys in the state and collaborates with them frequently on high-stakes federal criminal cases.
If you are facing federal charges, you are up against some of the smartest, best resourced law enforcement agencies in the world. You cannot afford to hire a lawyer without experience and connections in the federal system. Contact KBW Criminal Law as soon as possible to hire a knowledgeable, detail-oriented lawyer who can even the playing field.